Yoga Classes

We are partnering with Block and Bolster Yoga to bring yoga to the center to heal mind and body.

Choose from three different options.

In-Person Classes at Memphis Center for Mindful Living:

Trauma Informed Yoga

Tuesdays 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Violence experienced in the body or even witnessed as a bystander can cause a buildup of negative layers of memories that cause unease and sometimes even disease in the body. The goal of Trauma Informed Yoga is to give positive body experiences to overwrite those negative layers so you can reclaim your natural ease in your own body. $10/class

Online Classes:

Ongoing Iyengar Yoga - For those who want a regular, structured class, a focused series of 6 classes once a week may be for you. Each series uses precise postural alignment to enhance stability, strength, flexibility and balance. Each class will conclude with a mindful, breath awareness meditation. See website for pricing options.

Karla Ingram photo

About Karla Ingram

Karla Ingram is a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher and owner of Block and Bolster Yoga Studio. She hopes that she can pass along to her students the health benefits of a peaceful mind and fit body through the moving meditation of yoga.

Karla’s Invitation to You:

“Come allow yoga to bring you back back the present, the gift of the simple here and now. Each class starts with a simple Om, a gentle vibration that brings you home to yourself. That first triangle pose feels solid in your legs as you expand your heart center, reaching your arms wide, so you bring space for breath. Space for a pause before a “reaction.” Space for a pause to be mindful and choose what “action” is needed. Space for simple peace. Then we can bring that simplicity to our thoughts and let that peace reverberate right out into the space where our lives unfold each day.”


Trauma Intensives-Day Long