Forest Bathing at the Dixon

Join Amy Balentine at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens as she leads you in a healing forest bathing walk through the gardens on Saturday, March 30 at 1 pm. Learn more and register at the Dixon’s website:


Foresting Bathing at the Dixon

Forest bathing was developed in the 1980’s in Japan as a way to heal the growing stress and mental health concerns of the nation. Trees are natural healers of themselves and their environment, as they release antimicrobial essential oils that not only improve immune function and reduce blood pressure, but also decrease stress and anxiety. Slowing down and taking our time among the trees not only allows us to receive this benefit, but the act of bringing mindful awareness to our sensory rich garden as well as to our body and breath also has a healing and stress reducing benefit.

 How to prepare:

The walk will cover a very small part of the garden, remember this is a slow and deliberate experience, but do wear comfortable shoes (unless you wish to be barefoot)

Dress comfortably for the weather.

Bring water if it is hot.

Turn your cell phone on silent, put it in airplane mode, or better yet, don’t bring it!

This is designed for older teens and adults who can fully participate and follow guidelines about when to be in silence and when to share about their experience. Do follow these directions.

If you would like a family forest bathing experience for your little ones, let us know.

This experience will will be led by Amy Balentine, Ph.D., owner of Memphis Center for Mindful Living, LLC, where she practices ecotherapy as a psychologist and is a mindfulness teacher. She is also co-author of The Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, where she incorporates time in nature to encourage kids to connect with the natural world as well. She loves to be out in nature herself and is often found gardening, walking her dog along the Wolf River, birding, mushroom foraging, or camping at parks.


Mini Self-Compassion Retreat for Women


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